This article describes the settings required for FortiGate-60E-DSL and FortiWifi-60E-DSL for specific regions such as Australia and New Zealand, settings for different providers. This is based on build 5.6 (b4096) as the time of writing (Aug 2018).
Note on centralised managetsystgement: to manage above build with FortiManager please contact the SE for GA version of FortiManager.
FG60E # get system status
Version: FortiGate-60E-DSL v5.6.0,build4096,180809 (GA)
Virus-DB: 61.00240(2018-08-05 09:28)
…..(output omitted)
BIOS version: 05000002
System Part-Number: P21074-03
Log hard disk: Not available
Hostname: FG60E***********
Operation Mode: NAT
Current virtual domain: root
Max number of virtual domains: 10
Virtual domains status: 1 in NAT mode, 0 in TP mode
Virtual domain configuration: disable
FIPS-CC mode: disable
Current HA mode: standalone
Branch point: 1600
Release Version Information: GA
System time: Thu Aug 16 15:41:29 2018
ISP: Vodafone New Zealand (VDSL).
GUI and full CLI settings below:
Figure: settings network interfaces.
Figure: settings for DSL interface
Figure: settings for vlan 10 under DSL interfaces
FG60E # config sys interface
FG60E (interface) # edit dsl
config system interface
edit "dsl"
set vdom "root"
set mode dhcp
set allowaccess ping fgfm
set type physical
set phy-mode vdsl
set tc-mode ptm
set role wan
set snmp-index 2
FG60E (dsl) # next
FG60E (interface) # edit DSL_vlan10
FG60E (DSL_vlan10) # show
config system interface
edit "DSL_vlan10"
set vdom "root"
set mode dhcp
set allowaccess https ssh fgfm
set role wan
set snmp-index 9
set interface "dsl"
set vlanid 10
FG60E (DSL_vlan10) # get
name : DSL_vlan10
vdom : root
cli-conn-status : 2
mode : dhcp
distance : 5
priority : 0
ip : 203.118.---.x 255.255.---.0
allowaccess : https ssh fgfm
type : vlan
devindex : 20
l2tp-client : disable
fortiheartbeat : disable
role : wan
snmp-index : 9
defaultgw : enable
DHCP Gateway : 203.118.---.254
dns-server-override : enable
Lease Expires : Thu Aug 16 16:52:21 2018
Acquired DNS1 :
Acquired DNS2 :
interface : dsl
vlanid : 10
ISP: Vodafone New Zealand (VDSL) (Tim)
Figure: settings network interfaces
Figure: settings for DSL interface
FG60E # get system status
Version: FortiGate-60E-DSL v5.6.0,build4093,180808 (GA)
Virus-DB: 59.00623(2018-07-10 15:16)
Extended DB: 59.00623(2018-07-10 15:15)
IPS-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)
IPS-ETDB: 0.00000(2001-01-01 00:00)
APP-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)
INDUSTRIAL-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)
Serial-Number: FG60E***********
IPS Malicious URL Database: 2.00034(2018-07-10 05:11)
Botnet DB: 4.00258(2018-06-22 10:09)
BIOS version: 05000002
System Part-Number: P21074-03
Log hard disk: Not available
Hostname: FG60E***********
Operation Mode: NAT
Current virtual domain: root
Max number of virtual domains: 10
Virtual domains status: 1 in NAT mode, 0 in TP mode
Virtual domain configuration: disable
FIPS-CC mode: disable
Current HA mode: standalone
Branch point: 1600
Release Version Information: GA
System time: Thu Aug 16 21:59:11 2018
FG60E # config system interface
FG60E (interface) # edit dsl
config system interface
edit "dsl"
set vdom "root"
set mode pppoa
set allowaccess ping
set type physical
set scan-botnet-connections block
set vpi 0
set vci 100
set mux-type vc-encaps
set phy-mode adsl
set tc-mode atm
set role wan
set snmp-index 2
set username ""
set password ENC cGFzc3dvcmQ=
FG60E (dsl) # get
name : dsl
vdom : root
cli-conn-status : 2
mode : pppoa
distance : 5
priority : 0
ip : 121.72.---.177 255.255.---.255
allowaccess : ping
type : physical
vpi : 0
vci : 100
mux-type : vc-encaps
phy-mode : adsl
tc-mode : atm
retransmission : enable
vectoring : enable
l2tp-client : disable
role : wan
snmp-index : 2
ipunnumbered :
username :
password : *
idle-timeout : 0
detected-peer-mtu : 0
disc-retry-timeout : 1
padt-retry-timeout : 1
service-name :
ac-name :
lcp-echo-interval : 5
lcp-max-echo-fails : 3
defaultgw : enable
PPPoATM Gateway : 218.101.--.122
dns-server-override : enable
Acquired DNS1 : 203.97.--.44
Acquired DNS2 : 203.97.--.43
auth-type : auto
ISP: Australia NBN Telstra
Figure: settings network interfaces
Figure: settings for DSL interface
FG60E # get system status
Version: FortiGate-60E-DSL v5.6.0,build4096,180809 (GA)
Virus-DB: 1.00123(2015-12-11 13:18)
Extended DB: 1.00000(2012-10-17 15:46)
IPS-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)
IPS-ETDB: 0.00000(2001-01-01 00:00)
APP-DB: 14.00436(2018-08-23 00:32)
INDUSTRIAL-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)
Serial-Number: FG60EVTK18-----1
IPS Malicious URL Database: 2.00076(2018-08-23 05:01)
Botnet DB: 1.00000(2012-05-28 22:51)
BIOS version: 05000002
System Part-Number: P21074-03
Log hard disk: Not available
Hostname: Recycal-FG60E-Camp
Operation Mode: NAT
Current virtual domain: root
Max number of virtual domains: 10
Virtual domains status: 1 in NAT mode, 0 in TP mode
Virtual domain configuration: disable
FIPS-CC mode: disable
Current HA mode: standalone
Branch point: 1600
Release Version Information: GA
System time: Fri Aug 24 12:28:45 2018
FG60E # config sys int
FG60E # edit dsl
config system interface
edit "dsl"
set vdom "root"
set mode dhcp
set allowaccess ping https ssh http fgfm capwap
set type physical
set phy-mode vdsl
set tc-mode ptm
set fortiheartbeat enable
set role wan
set snmp-index 2
FG60E # config sys int
FG60E # edit dsl
FG60E # get
name : dsl
vdom : root
cli-conn-status : 2
fortilink : disable
mode : dhcp
distance : 5
priority : 0
ip : 58.171.---.237 255.255.---.0
allowaccess : ping https ssh http fgfm capwap
devindex : 6
phy-mode : vdsl
tc-mode : ptm
retransmission : enable
vectoring : enable
l2tp-client : disable
endpoint-compliance : disable
role : wan
snmp-index : 2
preserve-session-route: disable
auto-auth-extension-device: disable
fortilink-stacking : enable
dhcp-renew-time : 0
defaultgw : enable
DHCP Gateway :
dns-server-override : enable
Lease Expires : Fri Aug 24 15:11:03 2018
Acquired DNS1 : 61.9.---.49
Acquired DNS2 : 61.9.---.193
mtu-override : disable
wccp : disable
drop-overlapped-fragment: disable
drop-fragment : disable
ISP: Australia NBN Dodo.
Figure: settings network interfaces
Figure: settings for DSL interface
Figure: settings for VLAN/PPPoE interface
FG60E # get system status
Version: FortiGate-60E-DSL v5.6.0,build4096,180809 (GA)
Virus-DB: 61.00015(2018-07-27 00:28)
Extended DB: 1.00000(2012-10-17 15:46)
IPS-DB: 13.00419(2018-07-26 00:20)
IPS-ETDB: 0.00000(2001-01-01 00:00)
APP-DB: 13.00419(2018-07-26 00:20)
INDUSTRIAL-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)
Serial-Number: FG60EVTK180----1
IPS Malicious URL Database: 2.00076(2018-08-23 05:01)
Botnet DB: 4.00271(2018-07-26 10:00)
BIOS version: 05000002
System Part-Number: P21074-03
Log hard disk: Not available
Hostname: FG60EVTK18000011
Operation Mode: NAT
Current virtual domain: root
Max number of virtual domains: 10
Virtual domains status: 1 in NAT mode, 0 in TP mode
Virtual domain configuration: disable
FIPS-CC mode: disable
Current HA mode: standalone
Branch point: 1600
Release Version Information: GA
System time: Fri Aug 24 13:35:58 2018
FG60E # config sys int
FG60E # edit dsl
config system interface
edit "dsl"
set vdom "root"
set mode dhcp
set allowaccess ping fgfm
set type physical
set phy-mode vdsl
set tc-mode ptm
set role wan
set snmp-index 2
FG60E # config sys int
FG60E # edit dsl
FG60E # get
name : dsl
vdom : root
cli-conn-status : 3
mode : dhcp
distance : 5
priority : 0
ip :
allowaccess : ping fgfm
type : physical
devindex : 6
phy-mode : vdsl
tc-mode : ptm
retransmission : enable
vectoring : enable
l2tp-client : disable
role : wan
snmp-index : 2
preserve-session-route: disable
dhcp-renew-time : 0
defaultgw : enable
DHCP Gateway :
dns-server-override : enable
Lease Expires :
Acquired DNS1 :
Acquired DNS2 :
ISP: New Zealand PPPoEoA settings (Mike)
CLI configuration
config system interface
edit "dsl"
set vdom "root"
set type physical
set vpi 0
set vci 110
set atm-protocol none
set mux-type llc-encaps <--- Change this upon on your provider’s instruction
set phy-mode adsl
set tc-mode atm
set snmp-index 2
config system interface
edit "internet-1"
set vdom "root"
set mode pppoe
set role lan
set snmp-index 9
set username adsl-test@dsl.provider
set password <redacted>
set interface "dsl"
set vlanid 10
CLI to display diagnose information :
FG60E # diag dsl show 2
2nd read[1289]2nd read[0]
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
VCCs Status
No Wan Mode Type Status IP Connection Name
WANIP0 VDSL-PTM Bridge Connected poe
Gateway Information
DNS Information
Modem Status [SHOWTIME, SYNC[2049]]
Mode Selected [VDSL, 17A]
Power Management Mode [DSL_G997_PMS_L0]
Trellis-Coded Modulation [Enable]
Latency Type [Fast]
Data Rate Downstream [37898 kbps]
Data Rate Upstream [22793 kbps]
Attainable Data Rate Downstream [42827 kbps]
Attainable Data Rate Upstream [21888 kbps]
Interleaver Depth Downstream [341]
Interleaver Depth Upstream [40]
Line Attenuation(LATN) Downstream [19.6 dB]
Line Attenuation(LATN) Upstream [26.5 dB]
Signal Attenuation(SATN) Down [19.0 dB]
Signal Attenuation(SATN) Up [26.5 dB]
SNRM Downstream [12.9 dB]
SNRM Upstream [3.9 dB]
ACATP Downstream [6.9 dB]
ACATP Upstream [14.4 dB]
Superframe [Not available]
LOS Failure(near end) [0]
LOS Failure(far end) [0]
LOF Failure(near end) [0]
LOF Failure(far end) [0]
LPR Failure(near end) [0]
LPR Failure(far end) [0]
NCD Failure(near end) [6]
NCD Failure(far end) [0]
LCD Failure(near end) [6]
LCD Failure(far end) [0]
CRC(near end) [30015]
CRC(far end) [2559]
RS Correction(near end) [255]
RS Correction(far end) [128]
FECS(near end) [306255528]
FECS(far end) [965921046]
Errored Second(ES-L)(near end) [9803]
Errored Second(ES-L)(far end) [2630]
Serverely Errored Seconds(SES-L)NE [3]
Serverely Errored Seconds(SES-L)FE [384]
Loss of Signal Seconds(LOSS-L)NE [0]
Loss of Signal Seconds(LOSS-L)FE [372]
Unavailable Seconds(UAS-L)NE [44]
Unavailable Seconds(UAS-L)FE [44]
HEC Error(near end) [0]
HEC Error(far end) [0]
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