FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
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Article Id 194732




The system session TTL sets a value for all session time to live. A value of 1800 for example, changes system session TTL to 30 minutes (1800/60).

Note: The protocol value has been set at 6 for TCP. If no value is set, it is set for all protocols with a value of 0.




The CLI commands below show the default system TTL.


FortiGate # show system session-ttl

config system session-ttl

set default 1800
config port
edit 1

set protocol 6
set timeout 3600 (this is the only timeout that can be changed here)
set start-port 3389
set end-port 3389





Note: The default value (3600) is not visible when it is left unchanged.



This article explains how to change the time to live (TTL) for a service/port. A FortiGate unit's default system TTL is configurable globally (default values are stated in the TCP RFC). The TTL values can be set globally, but can also be changed for individual services, and in each firewall policy.
This article uses an example to show the use of 'start' and 'end' ports and how to set a protocol value. A demonstration is given of how to change the default system time to live and the TTL value for the RDP service, which uses the logical port 3389. 



Enter the following CLI commands:


# config system session-ttl

   set default 1800 (default is 3600)

   config port
       edit 1
         set protocol 6
         set timeout 3600
         set start-port 3389
         set end-port 3389


In the firewall policy:

        #config firewall policy

           edit "id"

       set  session-ttl  ---> Enter an integer value from <300> to <2764800> or (special = <0>)



For other timeout values, please check the global settings:


FortiGate # config system global
FortiGate (global) # show full | grep timer

set block-session-timer 30
set tcp-halfclose-timer 120
set tcp-halfopen-timer 10
set tcp-rst-timer 5
set tcp-timewait-timer 1
set udp-idle-timer 180


See Technical Tip: FortiGate CPU resource optimization configuration steps


Alternatively, check the specific service settings.

See Technical Tip: How to extend the TCP Half-Close timer for specific TCP services.


Related article:


Technical Tip: Session timeout settings