This article describes how to block Netflix for the users or user group.
To block Netflix in the network, follow below steps:
1) Create static URL web-filter for Netflix.
Go to Security Profiles -> Web Filter -> Edit Default profile and then 'enable' URL Filter.
After this step, create a new URL filter to block Netflix.
Set URL to '*netflix.*', Type to 'Wildcard', and Action to 'Block'.
Click 'OK' to save the changes.
The static URL filter is shown as below:
Save the changes by clicking 'OK'.
2) Create application control profile to select all Netflix signatures.
Go to Security Profiles -> Application control -> Edit the Default profile -> Application and Filter Overrides and Create New <----- for 6.2.x
Go to Security Profiles -> Application control -> Edit the Default profile -> Application Overrides and Create New <----- for 6.0.x
Search Netflix signatures by filtering the name, select all Netflix signatures and set Action as 'Block'.
Select all the Signatures and set action as 'Block'.
Application control profile will show the signatures in the list.
Save the changes by clicking 'Apply' at the Bottom.
3) Apply these web-filter profile and Application control profile in the policy.
Changes made in the default web-filter and default application control profile are now considered as default profiles in the policy.
Click 'OK' to save.
For blocking Netflix to particular user/user group, set that user/user group as 'Source' in the policy.
4) Test.
Trying to connect to Netflix will show this message:
If still allowed, clear the browser history and verify.