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Created on 04-16-2020 12:00 PM Edited on 06-09-2022 03:14 PM By Anonymous
Article Id
This article describes how to authenticate remote LDAP users and local users via SSLVPN under the same User Group on FortiGate.
Configure step by step, test and troubleshoot SSLVPN web mode authentication on FortiGate using local user and remote LDAP user.
1) Create local users 'student' and 'student1' CLI / GUI.
# config user local
edit "student"
set type password
set passwd PasswordStudent
edit "student1"
set type password
set passwd PasswordStudent1

2) Configure LDAP server CLI / GUI.
# config user ldap
edit "MyLDAP"
set server ""
set cnid "sAMAccountName"
set dn "DC=mywork,DC=local"
set type regular
set username "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=mywork,DC=local"
set password secretLDAPpassword

3) Create User Group “SSLVPN”, add local users and Remote Server 'MyLDAP'.
# config user group
edit "SSLVPN"
set member "MyLDAP" "student" "student1"
# config match
edit 1
set server-name "MyLDAP"
set group-name "CN=test,OU=test,DC=mywork,DC=local"
4)Configure SSLVPN.
# config vpn ssl settings5)Configure firewall policy and add 'SSLVPN' group to the Source field.
# config authentication-rule
edit 1
set groups "SSLVPN"
set portal "web-access"
# config firewall policyTROUBLESHOOTING.
edit 0
set name "IncomingSSLVPN"
set srcintf "ssl.root"
set dstintf "port4"
set srcaddr "all"
set dstaddr "all"
set action accept
set schedule "always"
set service "ALL"
set logtraffic all
set groups "SSLVPN"
1) Test user authentication and debug logs.
- Test existing LDAP user 'test.user' via CLI.
# diagnose test authserver ldap MyLDAP test.user Password12- Login remote via SSL-VPN Portal , Monitor and debug SSL-VPN.
authenticate 'test.user' against 'MyLDAP' succeeded!
Group membership(s) - CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=mywork,DC=local# diagnose debug application sslvpn -12) Login to the SSL-VPN portal with the local user 'student', monitor and debug SSL-VPN.
Debug messages will be on for 30 minutes.
# diagnose debug enable
[359:root:4b]sslvpn_authenticate_user:191 authenticate user: [test.user]
[359:root:4b]sslvpn_authenticate_user:198 create fam state
[359:root:4b]fam_auth_send_req:583 with server blacklist:
[359:root:4b]fam_auth_send_req_internal:461 fnbam_auth return: 4
[359:root:4b]Auth successful for group SSLVPN
[359:root:4b]fam_do_cb:654 fnbamd return auth success.
[359:root:4b]SSL VPN login matched rule (1).
…# diagnose debug application sslvpn -13) Login to the SSL-VPN portal with the local user 'student1', monitor and debug SSL-VPN.
Debug messages will be on for 30 minutes.
# diagnose debug console timestamp enable
# diagnose debug enable
2020-04-16 10:32:39 [359:root:33]sslvpn_authenticate_user:191 authenticate user: [student]
2020-04-16 10:32:39 [359:root:33]sslvpn_authenticate_user:198 create fam state
2020-04-16 10:32:39 [359:root:33]fam_auth_send_req:583 with server blacklist:
2020-04-16 10:32:39 local auth is done with user 'student', ret=0
2020-04-16 10:32:39 [359:root:33]fam_auth_send_req_internal:461 fnbam_auth return: 0
2020-04-16 10:32:39 [359:root:33]fam_auth_send_req_internal:470 authentication OK
2020-04-16 10:32:39 [359:root:33]fam_do_cb:654 fnbamd return auth success.
2020-04-16 10:32:39 [359:root:33]SSL VPN login matched rule (1). <----- The rule refers to the section 'config authentication-rule' in the SSLVPN settings or the GUI order or the portal matching. First rule matching will stop processing.
…# diagnose debug application sslvpn -1Note:
Debug messages will be on for 30 minutes.
# diagnose debug enable
[359:root:3c]sslvpn_authenticate_user:191 authenticate user: [student1]
[359:root:3c]sslvpn_authenticate_user:198 create fam state
[359:root:3c]fam_auth_send_req:583 with server blacklist:
[359:root:3c]fam_auth_send_req_internal:461 fnbam_auth return: 0
[359:root:3c]fam_auth_send_req_internal:470 authentication OK
[359:root:3c]fam_do_cb:654 fnbamd return auth success.
[359:root:3c]SSL VPN login matched rule (1).
In case the LDAP contains a user called 'student' (same as local user) , then LDAP user will take precedence and local user with an assigned token can be overridden.
Related Articles
Technical Note - Configuring Remote LDAP users with Two-Factor Authentication