The following configuration has been done: configure the Site-to-Site IPSec tunnel

On FortiGate-A: Here the local subnet is and will be NATed to, so the Phase2 selectors would be local address is and the remote address will be
LDAPS # get vpn ipsec tunnel name DNSCLIENT
gateway name: 'DNSCLIENT' local-gateway: (static) remote-gateway: (static) status: up mode: ike-v1 interface: 'port2' (4) vrf:0 rx packets: 56 bytes: 4608 errors: 0 tx packets: 56 bytes: 4608 errors: 0 dpd: on-demand/negotiated status:ok idle: 20000ms retry: 3 count: 0 selectors name: 'DNSCLIENT' auto-negotiate: disable mode: tunnel src: 0: dst: 0:
Following is the IP-Pool:
LDAPS (IPSec-SNAT) # show config firewall ippool edit "IPSec-SNAT" set startip set endip next end
Following is the Virtual-IP:
LDAPS (IPSec-VIP) # show config firewall VIP edit "IPSec-VIP" set uuid 100f59c6-be16-51ef-27e3-df074cebf6ad set extip set mappedip "" set extintf "any" next end
Below is the firewall's outgoing and incoming policy:
LDAPS # config firewall policy LDAPS (policy) # edit 22 LDAPS (22) # show config firewall policy edit 22 set name "vpn_DNSCLIENT_local_0" set uuid 4ff37a56-b1a8-51ef-df5e-0c10099a914b set srcintf "port4" set dstintf "DNSCLIENT" set action accept set srcaddr "DNSCLIENT_local_subnet_1" set dstaddr "DNSCLIENT_remote" set schedule "always" set service "ALL" set logtraffic all set nat enable set port-preserve disable set ippool enable set poolname "IPSec-SNAT" set comments "VPN: DNSCLIENT (Created by VPN wizard)" next end LDAPS (22) # next LDAPS (policy) # edit 23 LDAPS (23) # show config firewall policy edit 23 set name "vpn_DNSCLIENT_remote_0" set uuid 4ffa09ac-b1a8-51ef-7569-b06e517ca043 set srcintf "DNSCLIENT" set dstintf "port4" set action accept set srcaddr "DNSCLIENT_remote" set dstaddr "IPSec-VIP" set schedule "always" set service "ALL" set logtraffic all set comments "VPN: DNSCLIENT (Created by VPN wizard)" next end
Below is the session list showing SNAT and DNAT being applied:
LDAPS # diagnose sys session filter dst LDAPS # diagnose sys session list session info: proto=1 proto_state=00 duration=1 expire=59 timeout=0 refresh_dir=both flags=00000000 socktype=0 sockport=0 av_idx=0 use=3 origin-shaper= reply-shaper= per_ip_shaper= class_id=0 ha_id=0 policy_dir=0 tunnel=/ tun_id= vlan_cos=0/255 state=log may_dirty f00 statistic(bytes/packets/allow_err): org=120/2/1 reply=120/2/1 tuples=2 tx speed(Bps/kbps): 62/0 rx speed(Bps/kbps): 62/0 orgin->sink: org pre->post, reply pre->post dev=6->54/54->6 gwy= hook=post dir=org act=snat> hook=pre dir=reply act=dnat> src_mac=00:4f:72:6e:33:02 misc=0 policy_id=22 pol_uuid_idx=15828 auth_info=0 chk_client_info=0 vd=0 serial=6e55fc7d tos=ff/ff app_list=0 app=0 url_cat=0 rpdb_link_id=00000000 ngfwid=n/a npu_state=0x000100 no_ofld_reason: npu-flag-off total session: 1