FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 192967


This article describes the difference in behavior between active and passive authentication. FortiGate has two types of authentication which are dedicated to different protocols:

  • Active: LDAP, Radius, TACACS+, and SAML.
  • Passive: FSSO, RSSO.

They have different behaviors depending on policies.





For active authentication, all policies must have: enabled authentication for the policy that could match the traffic or enable a captive portal on the ingress interface for the traffic. If this does not happen, the traffic matches the policy without authentication

For Passive authentication, if it can successfully obtain user details, the traffic will do match with the first policy that is found because the user is already authenticated.



Active authentication:




Because the guest group is still not authenticated, it will not match the policy with the ID=15, the traffic will go out for the policy with the ID=16 (because it is not necessary to authenticate). The user is not going to be asked for authentication.


To change this behavior with active authentication, use the following commands:


config user setting
    set auth-on-demand <always|implicitly>

Implicitly (default) - Implicitly trigger firewall authentication on demand.
This is the default setting and the original behavior per version 7.0.x, 7.2.x, 7.4.x, and 7.6.


With auth-on-demand set to always, it will always match policy ID 15 and prompt for authentication.

This feature can be set on a per-VDOM basis.




If passive authentication is used, the traffic with the users that belong to the guest group will match the policy with ID=15 even if the policy with ID=16 does not have authentication enabled because the user is already authenticated. 


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