Expectations, Requirements
This article explains how to block access to external proxy such as Tinyproxy or Ultrasurf but without excluding FortiGate Explicit Proxy legitimate traffic. This applies where explicit proxy is configured on the FortiGate unit.
Expectations, Requirements
Block access to external proxy without blocking FortiGate Explicit Proxy.
1) Add the following Custom Signature on the FortiGate unit:
2) Add them to an application control profile:
3) Create an explicit proxy policy which uses this application control profile:
config application custom
edit "1"
set comment ''
set signature "F-SBID( --attack_id 2046; --name \"Proxy.WWW.Custom\"; --protocol tcp; --app_cat 6; --service HTTP; --flow from_client; --pattern \" \"; --context uri; --within 9,context; --pattern www.; --context uri; --no_case; --within 4; )"
set category 6
edit "2"
set comment ''
set signature "F-SBID( --attack_id 3869; --name \"Proxy.IP.Custom\"; --protocol tcp; --app_cat 6; --service HTTP; --flow from_client; --pattern \" \"; --context uri; --within 9,context; --pattern .; --context uri; --no_case; --within 4; --pattern .; --context uri; --no_case; --within 4; --pattern .; --context uri; --no_case; --within 4; --pattern :; --context uri; --no_case; --within 4; )"
set category 6
edit "3"
set comment ''
set signature "F-SBID( --attack_id 4187; --name \"Proxy.HTTP.Custom\"; --protocol tcp; --app_cat 6; --service HTTP; --flow from_client; --pattern \" \"; --context uri; --within 9,context; --pattern http://; --context uri; --no_case; --within 7; --context uri; --no_case; )"
set category 6
2) Add them to an application control profile:
3) Create an explicit proxy policy which uses this application control profile: