Solution |
Referring to the connection schema:
- On FortiGate,
- Edit the WAN2 interface,
- Configure the static IP,
- Configure a DHCP server with the IP addresses scope - (single IP),
- Allow Security Fabric Connection traffic
- Allow the device detection (Note: the role of the interface should be Undefined)
- Create a new interface with the 'FortiExtender WAN Extension' type. The one in this example will be called FEX1 (in order to distinguish it with the other one towards the second FortiExtender).

- Connect to the FortiExtender GUI (default IP over port1, port2 or port3, username 'admin' with no password).
Edit the port4 to have 'last resort' access for the next steps. Change the addressing mode to static and assign the IP (optionally, define the DHCP Server for the interface to facilitate the access). Make sure that the interface status is 'up'.
- By default, the lan 'zone' (port1, port2 and port3) has the DHCP Server enabled - this configuration of the DHCP server must be deleted. Identify the DHCP Server for the LAN (be careful not to remove the DHCP server for port4 if it has been created). It should be similar to the following one (execute the command config system dhcpserver in the CLI, followed by show)
config system dhcpserver
config system dhcpserver
edit 1
set status enable
set lease-time 86400
set dns-service default
set ntp-service specify
set ntp-server1
set ntp-server2
set ntp-server3
set default-gateway
set netmask
set interface lan
set start-ip
set end-ip
set mtu 1500
set reserved-address disable
Remove the DHCP Server active for the lan 'zone' (port1, port2 and port3)
config system dhcpserver
delete 1
- Continue from the CLI to change the lan mode from static to DHCP Client
config system interface
edit lan
set mode dhcp
Note: If connected via port 1, port 2 or port 3, the device connection may be lost. If so, reconnect using port4 (towards the IP
- In the FortiExtender GUI, navigate to Setting (left bar) -> Management, then set up the following:
- Controller: FortiGate,
- Discovery Type: static,
- Discovery Interface: port1, port2, port3 [1]
Create a Static Access Control Address with the server (ID 1).
[1] The picture reports Port4 as Discovery Interface. It should report 'lan' (port1, port2 and port3)
- Connect the port1 interface of the FortiExtender to WAN2 of the FortiGate. An IP will be received from FortiGate, which is here. Confirm this with the DHCP Server widget available from the Dashboard menu of the FortiGate or directly from the FortiExtender -> Network, then edit the LAN interface.

Be sure the IP address has been assigned to FortiExtender before proceeding with the next steps.
- To Authorize FortiExtender, on FortiGate GUI navigate to Network >> FortiExtender, wait for the FortiExtender to be discovered by FortiGate (may take a few minutes) and then Authorize FortiExtender (from the Authorization button) with the following mode:
- WAN extension,
- Modem 1 Interface: FEX1
The FortiExtender will reboot and the mode will change from NAT to ip-passthrough. Wait until it comes back online (i.e. shows as green) under Network -> FortiExtender. Note: The process may take a few minutes, be patient.
To ensure the selection of FEX1 as the Modem 1 Interface once FortiExtender has been approved (and it rebooted), edit it (right-click then select Edit) and confirm that all appears as in the following screenshots:

- In the FortiGate GUI, navigate to Network -> FortiExtender and edit the wanext-default profile by adding the PIN (if present) for the associated SIM.

- In the FortiGate GUI, navigate to Network -> Interface and check for the status of the FEX1 interface. It should be seen in the active state with the same IP of the lte1 interface of the FortiExtender (retrieve this information from the FortiExtender Dashboard).
Note: If the status of the FEX1 interface is disabled, check:
- the PIN associated to the SIM
- that the Modem 1 Interface was associated with the FEX1 interface (Step 7)
- To add the second FortiExtender, repeat the steps from 1 to 10 with only the following changes:
- Step 1: use port3, configure the static IP, configure a DHCP server with the IP addresses scope -
- Step 2: create a new interface with type 'FortiExtender WAN Extension'. It will be named FEX2 in this example.
- Step 6: create a Static Access Control Address with the serve (ID 1).
- Step 7: FortiExtender will get an IP from FortiGate which is
- Step 8: Modem 1 Interface: FEX2.
- Step 10: check for the status of the FEX2 interface. It should be seen in the active state with the same IP of the lte1 interface of the FortiExtender.
Note: It may be necessary to add a Data Plan in order to specify the APN.
Additional TIPS
- To connect the FortiExtender, is also possible to establish an SSH connection directly from the FortiGate CLI by using the address assigned in DHCP from the FortiGate. For example, for the first FortiExtender:
execute ssh admin@
- To evaluate the operational mode of the FortiExtender, consider using the following commands:
get system status
get extender status
- Since the 'Retrieve default gateway from server' option could be enabled or disabled on the FortiGate FEXx interface (based on the requirements), the static route that will use this interface as the outgoing interface may be required (which will need to have dynamic gateway enabled).
config router static
edit xxx
set device “FEX1”
set dynamic-gateway enable