FortiExtender offers wireless connectivity for nearly any operational network.
Article Id 277513


This article describes how to ensure 4G LTE connection quality on FortiExtender devices. Fortiextender devices have unreliable/slow connections or are unable to connect to wireless providers.




All FortiExtender devices.




  • Assure the device is getting appropriate signal levels at all times.

The following manuals establish the appropriate signal levels:


Page 32.

FortiGate-FortiWiFi - 3G4G LTE Modem Operator's Manual Version 5.0


Page 61.

3G4G LTE Modem Operator's Manual FortiGate-FortiWiFi 5.0


Also in the following links, it is possible to be guided to know more in detail if the modem is operating in adequate signal conditions:

Mobile Signal Strength Recommendations


  • Device positioning.


In this case, it is required to install the equipment outside closets or furniture, preferably near a window to have higher signal gain,


  • How to improve the gain of the antennas to have better signal reception.


The antennas should be perpendicular to the floor, or at 45 degrees since this is the polarization used for cellular phone base stations. Maintain line of sight from the device to the provider's base station if possible.

What is the polarisation of a GSM or LTE network?


If the signal strength were not improved, consider testing equipment in an open area,  in another city area, or consult the cellular provider if service is feasible where it is intended to use the product, sometimes providers do not offer indoor coverage for their services on the edge of his coverage areas.


Related article:

Technical Tip: How to configure and debug 4G LTE connection issues on FortiExtender (FEX)