FortiEDR automates the protection against advanced threats, pre and post-execution, with real time orchestrated incident response functionality.
Article Id 291079

In some cases, you might need to massively modify collector configuration on the deployed collectors.

E.g. you need to change the aggregator address from FQDN to IP or vice versa, or something like that.

It is possible to do so without reinstallation of the collector, by just running CLI scripts on Windows or Linux devices


Description Modifying collector configuration on Windows
Scope FortiEDR Collector Service
Solution #stopping collector service, passing registration password in the parameters
powershell.exe -Command "& 'C:\Program Files\Fortinet\FortiEDR\FortiEDRCollectorService.exe' --stop -rp:<REGISTRATION PASSWORD>"
#replacing an old aggregator address with a new one
(Get-Content "C:\ProgramData\FortiEDR\Config\Collector\CollectorBootstrap.jsn").Replace('<AGGREGATOR ADDRESS>:8081','<NEW AGGREGATOR ADDRESS>:8081') | Set-Content "C:\ProgramData\FortiEDR\Config\Collector\CollectorBootstrap.jsn"
#starting collector service
powershell.exe -Command "& 'C:\Program Files\Fortinet\FortiEDR\FortiEDRCollectorService.exe' --start"


Description Modifying collector configuration on Linux
Scope FortiEDR Collector Service

#stopping collector service, passing registration password in the parameters

sudo /opt/FortiEDRCollector/ --stop <REGISTRATION PASSWORD>

#replacing an old aggregator address with a new one

sudo sed -i "s/<AGGREGATOR ADDRESS>:8081/<NEW AGGREGATOR ADDRESS>:8081/" /opt/FortiEDRCollector/Config/Collector/CollectorBootstrap.jsn

#starting collector service

sudo /opt/FortiEDRCollector/ --start
