Created on
12:55 AM
Edited on
12:56 AM
Description |
This article describes how to adjust Forticlient.exe to notify users and post-installation steps. |
Scope |
FortiClient. |
Solution |
Forticlient requires a specific CLI command to trigger a user notification dialog to end users. The specified command must be run via a user who has admin rights on the corresponding device.
FortiClientSetup_7.2.5_x64.exe -schforcerebootdlg -rebootwhenneeded 1 -autoreboot0users 1 /deviceid 1 /schid 1 /log+ C:\temp\up.log
The FortiClient update process will wait for 10 minutes and then prompt another reminder to postpone for another 10 minutes. If no action has been taken it will automatically reboot at the end of 15 minutes.
Unfortunately, no method exists to adjust the reminder and reboot prompts in custom intervals. If there are still observed issues after the provided steps, a support ticket can be created to troubleshoot further details. |