Created on
06:54 AM
Edited on
08:18 AM
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This article describes the steps to install an SSL VPN client in Linux.
- Ubuntu or Fedora Linux distributions.
- SSL VPN is already configured on the FortiGate.
- SSL VPN Client software for Linux.
A Fortinet Support Contract is not necessary in order to download the Linux Version of the SSL VPN Client.
A Fortinet Support Contract is not necessary in order to download the Linux Version of the SSL VPN Client.
- Download SSL VPN Client for Linux.
The latest SSL VPN Client for Linux can be downloaded from Product Downloads and Free Trials.
To download the software:
- Open the link: Product Downloads and Free Trials
- Scroll-Down to FortiClient VPN and download the .deb or .rpm build.
Older versions can be downloaded from the Fortinet Customer Service & Support web portal.
To download the software:
To download the software:
- Log in to the Fortinet Customer Service & Support web portal at and select on ‘Download’ tab, then ‘Firmware Images’. On the next page, select the ‘Download’ tab.
- The latest available on the support portal version can be found under FortiGate firmware version 5.4.4 and find SSL VPN Client for Linux under VPN -> SSLVPNTools folder.
- Select ‘HTTPS’ to download and save the file.
How to run FortiClient SSLVPN for Linux:
Via Linux Terminal, go to the folder where the file has been downloaded and using the package manager install the FortiClient.
To install on Ubuntu:
In a terminal window, run the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install <FortiClient installation deb file>
To install on Fedora:
In a terminal window, run the following command:
$ sudo dnf install <FortiClient installation rpm file> -y
- Configuration of the GUI FortiClient SSL VPN.
- Type the IP of FortiGate and port, username/password and select ‘Connect’.
- If the SSL VPN connection requires Proxy, certificate or other advance settings, select ‘Settings’.
- Under ‘Settings’, more SSL VPN profiles can be added by selecting ‘+’ button.
- If a certificate warning is displayed, select ‘Continue’ to proceed.
- Once connected, check which IP has been assigned by running ‘ifconfig’. The name of the interface is ppp0 and the routing table with ‘route’
- Configuration of the CLI SSL VPN Client:
- Run ./forticlientsslvpn_cli to display all available configuration options
- If the SSL VPN connection only requires username/password, run: ./forticlientsslvpn_cli --server <IP of the FortiGate>:<port> --vpnuser <username>.
- Press Enter and FortiClient will request the password for the username.
- If the connection is successful, a STATUS::Connected message will be displayed, otherwise if the password is incorrect, error ‘SSLVPN down unexpectedly with error:2’ will appear.