FortiClient proactively defends against advanced attacks. Its tight integration with the Security Fabric enables policy-based automation to contain threats and control outbreaks. FortiClient is compatible with Fabric-Ready partners to further strengthen enterprises’ security posture.
Article Id 218740



This article describes the cloud deployment error due to space or special character, in the deployment policy field name.




ForticlientEMS Cloud.




In this example the error was 'Update 3' where the space between update and 3 was causing the error HTTP_result=404 HTTP_result=404.


Update 3.png


FortiESNAC 416] attempt to download, szhttpsrc=
[FortiESNAC 431] sw_download_state.load() returned 1
[FortiESNAC 460] calling
FortiESNAC 463] sw_download_state.state=0
[FortiESNAC 492 debug] DownloadInstallerThreadProc downloading from
[FortiESNAC 75 debug] downloadFile downloading to C:\Windows\FortiEMSInstaller\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
[FortiESNAC 280 debug] downloadFile HTTP_result = 404.
[FortiESNAC 421 debug] downloadFile got HTTP status code 404 .
[FortiESNAC 538] downloadFile() returned 0, HTTP_result=404, inet_error=0
[FortiESNAC 163 debug] Endpoint state: Online Onnet




As soon the deployment path was corrected to 'update4' without Spaces or Special Characters:


FortiESNAC 416] attempt to download, szhttpsrc=
[FortiESNAC 431] sw_download_state.load() returned 1
[FortiESNAC 460] calling
[FortiESNAC 463] sw_download_state.state=0] [FortiESNAC 492 debug] DownloadInstallerThreadProc downloading from
[FortiESNAC 75 debug] downloadFile downloading to C:\Windows\FortiEMSInstaller\ad456b5ecf2a40fbbbdfe54070cca90e.
[FortiESNAC 280 debug] downloadFile HTTP_result = 200.
[FortiESNAC 376 debug] downloadFile bError = 0
[FortiESNAC 538] downloadFile() returned 1, HTTP_result=200, inet_error=0
[FortiESNAC 276 debug] runInstaller(), sCommandLine = -m all -f "C:\Windows\TEMP\\ems.xml" -o export-install -i 0
[FortiESNAC 278 debug] runInstaller(), EnterCriticalSection() passed
[FortiESNAC 283 debug] runInstaller(), sch_run_task(TASK_TYPE_FCCONFIG) returned 17, cmd=-m all -f "C:\Windows\TEMP\\ems.xml" -o export-install -i 0
[FortiESNAC 297 debug] runInstaller(), LeaveCriticalSection()
[FortiESNAC 307 debug] runInstaller(), proc_params=C:\Windows\FortiEMSInstaller\FortiClientSetup_7.0.6_x64.exe /schstart 09:20 -schforcerebootdlg -rebootwhenneeded 1 -autoreboot0users 1 /deviceid 10 /schid 45 /log+ C:\Windows\FortiEMSInstaller_logs\fctinstalllog.log /importconfig C:\Windows\TEMP\\ems.xml
[FortiESNAC 308 debug] C:\Windows\FortiEMSInstaller\FortiClientSetup_7.0.6_x64.exe /schstart 09:20 -schforcerebootdlg -rebootwhenneeded 1 -autoreboot0users 1 /deviceid 10 /schid 45 /log+ C:\Windows\FortiEMSInstaller_logs\fctinstalllog.log /importconfig C:\Windows\TEMP\\ems.xml
[FortiESNAC 311 debug] runInstaller(), CreateProcess() returned 1, err=0


Other Problems :


IsNWAvailable() – Is Network available – () = No

[FortiESNAC 403 debug] DownloadInstallerThreadProc sha256
[FortiESNAC 404 debug] DownloadInstallerThreadProc filesize 64u] [FortiESNAC 405 debug] DownloadInstallerThreadProc calling IsNWAvailable()
[FortiESNAC 407 debug] DownloadInstallerThreadProc IsNWAvailable() returned 0
[FortiESNAC 580] IsNWAvailable() returned false
[FortiESNAC 319 debug] Got event: Send Mini Keepalive
[FortiESNAC 320 debug] Event ID (8550f5c572ab8ec739560f41c88e7c89a203df271ba241bf13d48f6d41407fc6), Session ID (8550f5c572ab8ec739560f41c88e7c89a203df271ba241bf13d48f6d41407fc6)
[FortiESNAC 163 debug] Endpoint state: Online Onnet
[FortiESNAC 402 debug] DownloadInstallerThreadProc reboot_when_needed 1
[FortiESNAC 403 debug] DownloadInstallerThreadProc sha256
[FortiESNAC 404 debug] DownloadInstallerThreadProc filesize 64u
[FortiESNAC 405 debug] DownloadInstallerThreadProc calling IsNWAvailable()
[FortiESNAC 407 debug] DownloadInstallerThreadProc IsNWAvailable() returned 0

[FortiESNAC 580] IsNWAvailable() returned false


In this error, it is necessary to enable and configure the following services on each Windows endpoint before deploying Forticlient:


>>Task Scheduler: Automatic

>>Windows Installer: Manual

>>Remote Registry: Automatic


Additional troubleshooting steps:


Disabling windows firewall and Enabling network discovery.


Run CMD as administrator and type:


>> netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”Network Discovery” new enable=Yes / No


>> netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off / on


After the deployment has been made, it is possible to set it back to original configuration by running the commands with the second option in the end.


Disable Teredo IPV6 Tunneling:


>> netsh interface teredo set state disabled


To re-enable it:


>> netsh interface teredo set state type=default
