To use FortiClient EMS API, the login API should be called first to get session_id.
After the session_id is returned from login API, then it is just necessary to call FortiClient EMS API with URL prefix:
1) Login (get session ID by access key and account email).
URL: “https://" Method: POST Post JSON data: { "access_key": "***", "account_email": "***" } Response JSON data: { “result”: “login”, “session_id”: “***” }
2) Call FortiClient EMS API.
URL: “https://" + EMS_API_PATH (for example: for EMS serial number API “/api/v1/system/serial_number”, the url will be “https://”) Method: same as EMS API Parameter or post data: same as EMS API. Header: { "Authorization": session_id (the session id is returned by login) }
3) Logout.
URL: “https://" Method: POST Header: { "Authorization": session_id (the session id is returned by login) }
It is possible to get the key login with MASTER account only to ''