Created on
12:48 AM
Edited on
12:49 AM
Description | The article describes the major differences between EMS 7.0.9 - 7.2.2. |
Scope | EMS, LDAP, Active Directory. |
Solution |
For 7.0.9: The limitation for a single security group is a total of 1,500 users per security group. If having 1501 users in a single security group this group assignment is totally receiving default policy instead of assigned one.
For the version 7.2.2, the picture is totally different. First if trying with the same condition 1501 users in a single security group, the policy is still syncing correctly.
The limits have been forced a bit further and it has created 5001 users in a single security group. It is still getting the correct policy.
As a result, if the single security group has 1501 with 7.0.9 that means it is not going to receive a default policy because of the following reasons:
Default Value in AD.
Windows Server 2008 and newer domain controller returns only 5000 values in an LDAP response
7.2.2 the total amount of users in a single security does not depend on the amount. To check how many users are there in the security group via the following PowerShell command.
(Get-ADGroup 1500_TEST -Properties *).Member.Count
1500_TEST should be replaced with the original group name.
7.0.9: The total amount on a single security group should be decreased below the max value limit of 1500 or as an alternative scenario Max value range should be increased from an AD perspective. In the AD server that is connected with EMS, open a CMD window as administrator and run the following commands:
Try to sync the domain again.
**** Start Ntdsutil.exe