FortiAnalyzer can receive logs and Windows host events directly from endpoints connected to EMS, and you can use FortiAnalyzer to analyze the logs and run reports.
Article Id 345868
Description This article describes running a custom report on firewalls entering conserve mode on FortiAnalyzer using a custom Dataset.
Scope Any supported version of FortiAnalyzer.

Make sure to receive the logs on the FortiAnalyzer so that it can be used to generate reports.


conserve mode.PNG


Related article:

Troubleshooting Tip: FortiGate to FortiAnalyzer connectivity


Log example for conserve mode:


date="2023-11-22" time="01:03:39" id=7304054965926890395 bid=16466602 dvid=1782 itime=1700607819 euid=3 epid=3 dsteuid=3 dstepid=3 logver=702051517 logid="0100022011" type="event" subtype="system" level="critical" msg="Kernel enters memory conserve mode" logdesc="Memory conserve mode entered" conserve="on" red="1642 MB" green="1530 MB" total=1866 used=1644 service="kernel" eventtime=1700607817932994002 tz="+0200" devid="FGVM02TM22000806" vd="root" devname="Lab-1"


Create a new Dataset using the below Query:


"select vd, devname, devid, msg, count(*) as Number from $log
where $filter and msg='Kernel enters memory conserve mode'
group by vd, devname, devid, msg
order by Number DESC"


conserve mode 2.PNG

If the message is 'Kernel enters extreme low memory mode' , create a new Dataset using the below Query :


   "select vd, devname, devid, msg, count(*) as Number from $log
    where $filter and msg='Kernel enters extreme low memory mode'
    group by vd, devname, devid, msg
    order by Number DESC"



Conserve mode - extreme.PNG


Create a new Chart, using the 'Conserve mode' Dataset : 


conserve mode 3.PNG


Create a new Report : 


conserve mode 4.PNG


On the tab Editor, insert Chart using the 'Conserve mode' : 

conserve mode 5.PNG


Run the report:

conserve mode 6.PNG


The report can be viewed in different formats such as HTML and PDF. It can be also sent by mail.


If a problem occurs, run the report in the CLI and send it using the following steps:


exe tac report
exe sql-report list-schedule <adom>
exe sql-report list <adom>
exe sql-report run <adom> <report ID>
exe sql-report view report-data <adom> "name of the report"