Cybersecurity Forum

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New Contributor

VPN broke after 5.4.3 update

We upgraded our firmware for our 60D to v5.4.3 build 1111.

Ever since, our IPsec VPN will no longer connect.

In the VPN events log we get 

Action negotiate
Status negotiate_error
Reason peer SA proposal not match local policy


We have matched the SA 100%.  We have destroyed and re-created the VPN from scratch.  This error still persists.

Is there a bug in the firmware?


New Contributor


I can also confirm this. I see the problem is in split tunneling which is not working. Although I have defined a object I receive through the ipsec tunnel interface and my connection breaks. Tested with 5.4.3 & 5.4.4

If anyone has opened a case with the support team it will be interesting to see how this is fixed..

New Contributor

Why IPSEC over SSL?  Did you try a test SSL connection?

New Contributor

SSL is working. I believe IPsec is more secure. Google search about SSL vulnerabilities confirms this in my opinion.


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