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SSL deep inspection requires many exceptions - normal?


We recently enabled SSL deep inspection for HTTPS traffic, and we frequently encounter Websites that would not work and need an exemption inside the deep-inspection profile via wildcard-fqdn object. 

This includes sites like No problem when adding them via wildcard-fqdn to the exceptions list, or by adding more web-site categories as well.

Is this normal / expected? It appears we have to exempt a lot of major sites to work with deep inspection... 

Any comment / hint / best-practice advise is very welcome.


Carsten Buchenau EDIFICE COMMUNICATIONS SA Lausanne, Switzerland

Carsten Buchenau EDIFICE COMMUNICATIONS SA Lausanne, Switzerland
New Contributor

I've encountered the same thing but the vast majority of sites work fine.  I'll whitelist sites like backup services, banking, or other sites that use HSTS but after a few weeks and getting over the initial hump, I rarely have to make edits.
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