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New Contributor II

NTP problem on 1550 controller


I'm not getting my time right on the Meru/Fortinet controller. If I excute the command date on the CLI, the time differs with 8u06min. 

I'v set up my NTP with the command ntp server x.x.x.x and excuted the timezone menu, there pointed the right timezone . I've done a ntp sync afterforwards and reloaded the controller. 

The NTP server I connect with, is the internal NTP server of a Fortigate firewall. It supports NTPv3 and NTPv4. All my other devices point too that same address and they are working.

I'm a newbie on the Meru controllers. Can I somewhere debug it?

1 Solution
New Contributor II

Just checked the controller, now the time is running good. Last time I've checked (friday 19/2) I wasn't running right. 

I did a "ntp sync" and now the time is right...


View solution in original post


A reboot is required, can you try the following and reboot the controller to see if it helps?

Type ""ntp sync""

Type ""ntp server x.x.x.x""   where x.x.x.x is the IP address of the ntp server.

Type ""reload controller""
Type ""show ntp-server"" to display the status

New Contributor II

Yes, I've reboted the controller several times. Problem stays.


Can you try a different NTP server ?  There are no known issues related to NTP.

I just tried it on my setup 

TME-M1550(15)# show sys-summary general
System General Information

Controller's Hostname : TME-M1550
Controller's Model Name : MC1550
Controller's Version : 8.0-5-0
TME-M1550(15)# show ntp-server
NTP updates are enabled.
TME-M1550(15)# ntp sync
22 Feb 10:56:08 ntpdate[22092]: adjust time server offset -0.305055 sec
TME-M1550(15)# date
Mon Feb 22 10:56:15 PST 2016

New Contributor II

Just checked the controller, now the time is running good. Last time I've checked (friday 19/2) I wasn't running right. 

I did a "ntp sync" and now the time is right...
