Hello, I have a problem with traffic shaping. I have a simple traffic
shaping policy to limit the bandwidth when browsing some streaming
websites and it's been working perfectly for a while. However, all those
websites can't be accessed anymore, no c...
Hi @BillH_FTNT, I enabled the traffic shaping policy and run the
commands show and then get. Nothing seems off except for these two lines
at the end of the get command output : traffic-shaper
:traffic-shaper-reverse: Normally they should show the sha...
Hi @BillH_FTNT ,the following is the related part of the logs: Received
Bytes 0 BReceived Packets 0Sent Bytes 260 BSent Packets 5Sent Shaper
Bytes Dropped 0 BAction Accept: session timeoutPolicy ID PolicyIDPolicy
UUID PolicyUUIDPolicy Type FirewallSe...
Hello, thank you for your time. Yes it was disabled at that moment just
for testing purposes. When I enable it and I apply the traffic shaper,
the issue is reproduced again and I can't browse those streaming (i.e
youtube) as explained above. PS: in t...