Hi everyone. To preface this, I typically don't deal with Fortigate
equipment, so I'm new to the platform, but I do use other vendors'
firewalls regularly. I'm reasonably sure I've got my config on my end
here in order, but it's 100% possible I've ma...
I appreciate everyone's advice. I'm reasonably sure that my initial take
was correct, however the people on the other side of the connection were
not convinced of this, thus were a little difficult to work with. I
eventually scrapped the plan to use ...
We're not using certs, we're using a PSK. Unfortunately my colleagues on
the other end of the connection are convinced that that isn't the issue.
Right now I'm really just looking for a sanity check, because I also
came to that conclusion (the mismat...
It's actually between our Fortigate and a Sophos device. I've
recommended my friends on the other end of the link check those settings
as well though. Thanks for the input.