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Last activity: Jun 17, 2024 11:15:32 AM
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Hi Team, Let say from SIEM Q-Radar we received an offense "ATTACK SIGNATURES OBSERVED BY IPS FROM EXTERNAL SOURCE" and the same offense has triggered for same customer with same entities again after 1 hour.. now we want to club the offenses with belo...
Hi Guys, I need to create a report which shows the EPS of data sources connected to my qradar ... i am getting the eps count by running the aql query based on qradar fortisoar action avialable with its connector. How can i call those json outputs in ...
Hi Team, Trying to extract multiple events with unique values using Jinja, but it pics up only 1 value based on array we give.Like example: event_data.0.payloadAttached the screenshot FYR: Can you please assist how to call arrays of events with uniqu...
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