Hello, I would like to do the equivalent of# config vpn ssl
settings(settings) # set servercert MyCert(settings) # endIn REST APIIn
other terms, change the certificate via API I would like to know which
API call to use. Right now I'm able to push MyC...
Hello,I tried to reply yesterday but the message disapeared.Yes, I'm was
trying to update the certificate name that is used by the SSL VPN portal
sent to the browser or to the Forticlient.I'm coding a PHP script that
relies on curl and REST. In the m...
Hello,I found my answer today.Updating the VPN SSL certificate is done
by using /api/v2/cmdb/vpn.ssl/settings and PUT the name of the
certificate.I did my code in PHP, my goal was to renew my certificate, a
let's encrypt one. I don't use FortiOS 7xTh...