Hi. The "new" equipment from our local ISP delivers public IP's only by
DHCP. We have a strange problem that keep happening from time to time.
All of a sudden the Fortigate stops getting a new DHCP lease and we
loose WAN connectivity. Troubleshooting...
Looks pretty much like my debug, but in my case i get a reply on the
discover and it it loops on sending requests instead. Are you not able
to get a ip adress at all or does this only happen in certain
Here is the command i have used:diagnose debug application dhcpc
255diagnose debug enable The only bug i have seen in 5.4.x is if the
service router of the ISP crashed or changes mac address. In this
scenario there is a l2 over l3 connection between ...
Jeff the Network Guy wrote:Do you know if this was ever resolved? I
think I'm running into this with a remote sales office. I have not seen
the problem after upgrading to v5.4.1
Jeff0123 wrote:Oluf, I had the engineer I was working with review your
post as well as some more logs from my end and he is reporting he has
found a known bug that is being working on but didn't go into great
detail. I have requested more information...