Hello,I'm looking for solution that we have a s2s VPN connection between
site A to our DCWe want to add a DR on OCI ( oracle cloud) and want to
connect it also by s2s VPN and to make this connection as backup.If the
connection/FW on DC side will go d...
Hi,Correct me if I'm wrong but its look like you have 2 VPN connection
with 2 sites as backup. I'm looking for solution for 3 sites, as you can
see here in the diag (the Visio is with CP but I'm looking for Forti
solution).So I want to work with the ...
HI! thank you for answering. Did you do it with SDWAN config? Can you
please share with me the configuration? (Sure you can hide all the
privet details)
Hello and thank you for replaying,We don't have this configuration yet,
we are planning to work on it, but before that I'm want to make sureits
possible and will work. Maybe we can configure 2 S2S VPN one for each
site DC and DR ant to add them both ...