Hi,We upgraded to v6.4.6, build1043 (GA) and we notice that on every
sync from AD in order to retrieve the users it always resets on ALL
users the option to have Token enable. What i mean is we have many users
were the OTP is disabled for some reason...
Hi,I have an automation script for FortiProxy v7.07, which backups to
FTP and then sends an email.The configuration of the email isBody:
%%log%% - %%results% What i get as an email is only the log and after
the actuall word %%results%%I tried to put ...
Hi Markus thanks for the reply. Here are the settings Now if i
understand the comment correct you are probably referring to the "SMS"
setting. According to the yellow text box and what i understand from
this is that the enabled setting means that it ...
Hi Patterson thanks for the reply. I checked via CLI and i added again
the body message which was not there even though i get the log part I
set a new attribute and it is exactly like yours The automation as you
can see the email is the same, called ...