Hair-pinning, in a networking context, is the method where a packet
travels to an interface, goes out towards the Internet but instead of
continuing on, makes a "hair pin turn", and comes back in on the same
interface. Initially, it may seem unnecess...
Dear Hien,The answer to your question is YES!You can assign another port
as HA to the dedicated HA port. With this, you will leverage on
configuration and session synchronization of the cluster
Hello JosephPlease do not forget that below.To be able to successfully
pass the NSE4 exam, your preparation must cover 1. Fortigate
infrastructure course 6.x2. Fortigate security course 6.xHaving covered
these thoroughly and with much understanding, ...
Hello Anupam,As a partner, my experience is that, before you can get the
certificate of completion, you need to 1. complete the entire course
modules 2. Schedule for the online LAB and ensure you've completed all
your Labs--Consult your LAB instructo...