My FortiClient5.4 (Registered to FCTEMSv1.0) Application Firewall is
blocking "PowerShell" with A.D module as "BitTorrent". Anyone else
experiencing this issue? 11/23/2015 5:27:24 PM Notice Firewall
date=2015-11-23 time=17:27:24 logver=2 type=traffic...
Mike, p2p users should be pretty easy to spot in your FWD Traffic logs
on the FGT itself. I would start there assuming you're blocking this
traffic type via Web/App Profiles. I personally don't have any
experience with the FortiAnalyzer. If you're us...
Do you have users that reside in both groups? (EXAMPLE: User_A is
located in "endabled users" group and "restricted_access" group) If so,
you may want to put your most restrictive policy first. I would start
with pointing your traffic to a specific i...