Hello Mark,Thank you so much of your help! I have now downloaded that
image. At first I wrote with some earlier image yesterday, but
controller said that there's no bootable disk in the system. After that
I couldn't write that CF card anymore, so I t...
Hello Mark,Thank you for your fast response. My controller is MERU
MC4200 and the latest login to webmanagement showed version 8.1-3-2. If
that isn't the same as firmware version, then I don't know what firmware
version there was before failure. Br M...
Hello,I have a problem, corrupted card, but from screenshot pics I see
the version 8.1-3-2 for MC4200. I downloaded 7 something image, but I
thought that how do I update it back to the version where it was. I have
only 832e APs. I would be happy if y...