I'm pretty desperate with the 60D (FW 5.4.4) I have to manage. There are
about 50 IPSec VPNs, CPU and memory usage is quite low, everything works
for about a week. Then the servers connected to the firewall still
reachable with RDP, the web server ar...
Thank you Hector for your answer! I'm afaid that a problem with
autonegotiation is not my case because I have a constant traffic on each
VPN. And, in any case, a problem on one VPN can explain a glitch on that
SA but not on all the VPNs on a firewall...
Hi Mat, thank you for your detailed answer! I'll try to use some 'diag
vpn' commands but I'm afraid I don't know what to looking for: when the
VPNs are working... I'm afraid there is nothing special to see... and
when not I'm pretty sure that the neg...