Hi Why is the port forwarding not working? Any ideas? Test Port from
FortiGate (Port is open on the vm) From another Internet Access (no
connection via port forwarding) Thanks
Hi I have the following network toplogy. -Port 1 (VLAN tagged, VLAN100,
VLAN200, VLAN250)-port 2 (VLAN tagged, VLAN100, VLAN200, VLAN250)-Port 7
(VLAN untagged)-port 8 (VLAN untagged)-port 9 (VLAN untagged)-port 10
(VLAN untagged) Now I have made dif...
I created a new vlan switch "MANAGEMENT" with the untagged ports and
connected the untagged devices to this ports, in my case this was a good
Hi We also have a site to site VPN (Fortigate/Zyxel) and want to set up
port forwarding. I also understood the problem regarding routing. Now I
have set up a policy route on the other side (Zyxel) but I need to
specify a site to site tunnel endpoint ...