Hello, I' m currently testing single sign on using two collector agents
in polling mode monitoring my two domain controllers (the domain
controllers don' t have a DC agent installed). All the work is in a test
network, so the production environment i...
Hello Dipen, Unfortunately I haven' t have much time to troubleshoot
this issue, been busy with ther things. The workstations get the IP from
DHCP and the IP lease time is 8 hours
Thanks for your idea, unfortunately I the problem persist, and the logs
didn' t give any relevan tinformation, the weird thing is that when I
first try to ping one server in a different network its respond twice
and then stop responding. I remove the...
Hello TechnoR05 You are right, perhaps I did not provide enough details,
I' ll give more information, I hope it helps Both collector agents (CAs)
are monitoring both DC Both CAs are part of the same SSO entry in FG, I
created a entry called TEST_SSO_...