Dear All, I have set firewall FortiGate 60F V7.05 from Technical Tip:
How to create a VLAN tagged interface (802.1q) on a FortiGate -
tagged/untagged traffic in forum There is Lan 1 only...I want to
separete differnet port 1 for vlan 1, port 2 for vl...
is it possibe add Wan2 interface menber in Magna_lan1,(as the same time,
plug lan line from wan2 to hardware switch)Then, remove "internal" from
interface menber in Magna_lan1? After this, should "internal" can be
display and edit???
If I remove softeware switches, can I access router from lan? On the
other hand, there are a lot Ref. relate to Software switches already. It
quick difficult to remove it...