Hi all ,We have 2 internet connection (port1 and port2) and we can have
access to internet through external proxy (education proxy, port 8080).
What is the best way to use external proxy server (education proxy) as
part of SD-WAN ? We can use only in...
Hi, I am using Transparent web proxy forwarding topology in dedicated
VDOM like here
I use just simple one policy with "webproxy-forward" to extern...
You arer right, I am loking for a different solution
as well :)
Hi, Sorry, I didnt explain properly my question. We have 2 wan
interfaces to Internet and separately aceess (different access to
internet through education local network but only through proxy).I could
say we have 3 ways to access internet : 2 direct...
I see sometimes an information like "625 5.962450 TCP 76 [TCP Retransmission] [TCP Port numbers reused]
4780 → 8080 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=65535 Len=0 MSS=1460 SACK_PERM=1
TSval=144583175 TSecr=0 WS=4096"Not sure is it bad or norma...
Thank you, Boris.You are right I see the action "TCP reset from server"
in the log (Destination server: EDU_Proxy). Yes, now it's time for
packet capture.