Hello, We're having issues with remote user unable to connect to the VPN
at random times, it hangs & they get the messge " VPN connection failed.
Please check your configuration, network connection & preshared key".
When this happens we check the AD ...
This is last part of the client debug log... 1/10/2022 9:35:18 AM Debug
VPN with key:1/10/2022 9:35:18 AM Debug VPN 48e736ba 28fd75c2 abee3e1b
aad7bdf6 05bfc81b 2287b822 3fd8ef69 41bd38d91/10/2022 9:35:18 AM Debug
VPN encrypted payload by IV:1/10/202...
It wont let up add the full log from the FW but this is last part, it it
hepls.ke 7:IPSPEC-MFA_108:142772: dec