Hi, I'm wondering if anyone else has upgraded their Fortigate 70D FWs to
5.6 yet? Did it go well? I did a couple of days ago, and well. Named
Address Objects seemed to have stopped working randomly(Also on one of
my 60D WIFi) on an already well worki...
All, Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions. We're running
Firmware 5.4.4 on 5 Fortgate FWs. All sending logs to FortiAnalyzer. I'm
probably being silly about this and not thinking it through enough,
however when I try to select the "LEARN" fea...
Budget is a huge topic to debate when selecting the right Firewall.
What's the end goal for this network? Also, if this company is growing
then I highly recommend you take this into account. I currently have two
600C Fortigates for a company with abo...