Hi all, I have problem with configuration multiple public IP on one Wan
port. Our provaider set as one public adres on 176.x.x.x.x/30 and then
set 8 addicional public IP adresses on 89.x.x.x/29 (4 to use).
Everythink is agregated on one wan port. I w...
I have found what I was doing wrong.In secondary address I have added
all network address not a specyfic address from VIP. And now I can use
all 6 avalible adresses.
So my 60F is configured:WAN1 - interface set to 176.x.x.x\30
network.WAN2 - interface ser to my other provider set as backup.I have
set two static routes - wan1 gateway and - wan2 gateway.
If Wan1 is down first route is turn off. I ha...