Hi! I am having some problem with the DNS resolution on our remote
branch. We have two fortigate 60B, connected via IPSEC VPN, with the DNS
server in our office, remote branch could not ping our servers here via
its name (ping MYSERVER --unable to re...
What I saw in router monitor is that I only define 1 static route, two
has been shown. both for WAN2 and WAN1. So I disable the WAN2
(administratively down), and now fortigate can ping and resolve any
public ip.. But if I enable the WAN2 (problem wou...
Already done that,primary DNS was the local DNS on Head office while
secondary is public DNS given by ISP. Still, branch office could not
resolve the server on the head office.. what i did was as a work around
is to manually include on the lmhost nam...