Hi there, I'am trying to send all errors and in addition all logevents
(including successful ones) to a syslogserver, but i can't find a way to
do this. At the moment have a config like: config log syslogd setting
set status enable set server "192.16...
Hi, the Solution is quite simpel (and annoying): Fortinet has decided,
that the descriptionfield is not (by definition) for the interfacename,
so they have removed the interface name from the descriptionfield. If
you still need it, you need to place ...
We have exactly the same Problem. "snmpwalk -c -v2c x.x.x.x
interface" does not return the interfacename. in FortiOS 4.x all works
fine, but at least on all 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 it is not there.