Hi all, I looked through the forum and searched but couldn' t find
anything on this topic. I am going to be setting up web filtering based
off of active directory group membership. This will be on a Fortigate
100D running v5.0,build4429 What I need t...
OK I am still learning this platform. What about within the web filter
profile, instead of choosing allow, block or monitor you choose
authenticate? Then set that to a group that the user would be in? Seem
that this would accomplish what I am looking...
Thanks again for your reply. I have also verified with support that only
singular group membership is supported. I have to say this is very
disappointing. I would have expected more from a " Next Generation"
Firewall. We will have to rethink the way ...
Thanks for the reply. That makes sense but I guess I am still not clear
on how not to include a category so another rule can process it. It is
my understanding that the way you can setup profiles you have the
options to Allow, block, monitor, warning...