Hi, me again, A second interesting problem.We have to external
Connections over different ISPs. Our Webserver uses WAN1 for incoming
traffic. Our Users use WAN2 for Web-Surfing. Everything works fine but
If users want to reach our Webserver it doesnt...
Its quite simple (I am testing the AD-Authentification at the moment)
Scenario without Authentification: Policy internal-Wan all any accept
with nat I can surf to the outside world and can reach my internal
server Scenario with authentification Same ...
The DNS-Things is quite clear to me. But it still doesnt explain why a
policy with AD-Authentification does not allow the traffic to get
through whereas the sam policy without authentification works. ther must
be something in there ?
ORIGINAL: ejhardin Are you using AD? Are you using the same AD domain
address as your website? No, not the same, though: My domain-users are
in a domain like domain.intern and of course reveive Mails as
domain.com. The Webserver is something like dom...
No, The Users are on the Internal Interface. The Webserver is in the
DMZ. Before adding a second ISP I only used WAN1. When the Users
connected to the Webpage The connected to the public IP and the fortinet
knew what to do. Now I have a second ISP on...
Many Thanks for all your Input, I have now an interesting new effect. My
Fortinet works with AD-Authentification. For Outgoing Connections from
my PC this works well, I tested this really deep (Login as someone, not
allowed to go outside via SMTP or ...