Hello, is there a possibility to connect 2 vclusters like links similar
to vdom-links in a 4 node setup ?I have a problem actually to do
this.The documentation says it is not possible.We have 4 vdoms:
Perimeter_vdom_internal ----->vcluster1DCFW_vdom_...
Its pretty bad that such "basic-features" are not implemented in such a
product.open-source solutions like pfsense have acme support with up to
25 SANs i one single certificate now for years .....
Hi, we solved the case with a vlan connected to the root vdom.Then we
created 2 EMAC Vlans which are connected to the VLAn -interface on the
root vdom and assigned them to the corresponding vdom on each vcluster.
Hello all, thanks for your answers!we will go ahead, with Transfer
Networks on each vcluster and join the networks to the underlaying ospf
area (on the switches (Dell S5248-ON)) to join the two vclusters
togehter. Bandwidth will be no problem, we hav...
Hello Roman, thank you for your reply :) yesterday i found this
It says:With virtual clusters (vclusters) configured, in...