I used for a long time a little script to backup my firewall
configuration files using public key via scp command. After a
distribution upgrade of the client (from debian stable lenny to squeeze)
the script stopped to run with a " 501-Permission Deni...
No lubyou, I still have the problem. and I' m still using, as workaround
to automatically backup all my firewalls, the command: ssh
root@ show full-configuration > /tmp/test.out as explained
above. I' m sorry...
The tmp directory is empty: no files (the script doesn' t put nothing),
no wrong permission to reset, especially for root that I' m using in
this moment... Furthermore, I' m using /tmp directory only for testing
purposes. The real script (untouched) ...
As workaround to automatically backup my firewall by script, could be
good idea to use this alternative commands? ssh root@ show
full-configuration > /tmp/test.out or, simply ssh root@ show
> /tmp/test.out (before I disabled the...
Yes, I have a particular " root" (super_admin) account created in the
past. Scp is enabled, and, in general, the fiirewall is untouched. I use
oublic key for autentication. I used for a long time this type of
command to backup my firewall. " ssh" com...