After upgrading from 5.6.5 to 6.0.2 I'm getting the message File System
Check Recommended. Clicking on "Reboot and scan disk now", reboots the
fortigate but it never finish the reboot completely. It froze with the
power led light only on and stay the...
Hi.I have a fortigate 90D that I have upgraded from 5.6.3 to 5.6.5.
Before the upgrade I didn't have any high cpu usage problem. This is the
output from diag sys top: Run Time: 0 days, 3 hours and 34 minutes13U,
0N, 86S, 1I; 1838T, 1397F ipsmonitor 6...
Thanks. I think this is the way I would go. I know that I have to make a
configuration backup but, what happens when I execute this command
exactly? Will I would lose connection to the forti gui? I'm accessing
the GUI thru his ip address. Apart from ...
This issue was resolved updating the firmware to 6.0.2. Now I have
another issue. At login, I'm getting the message File System Check
Recommended. Clicking on "Reboot and scan disk now", reboot the
fortigate but it never finish the reboot completely....
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