Hi Everyone,After I upgrade the FortiSIEM to 5.2.6, I have an issue with
SSH login to AIX with didn't kill the exiting SSH session after
generating a new session; so that I am killing the session manually
after its full the server's terminal.
Hello everyone, Regarding oracle logging, FortiSIEM is collecting audit
logs from the oracle audit trail extended mode but missing a field
"sqltext" with datatype is CLOB from the audit table. How can we capture
this field on FortiSIEM?
hello,I have FortiSEM FS-1000F with a perpetual license but the support
is expired now, I had notification rule includes run script
FortiGate-blockip-after5.2 to block the source IP when the incident
"Permitted traffic from suspicions external source...
Hi Daniel,Thanks for your help and support.I contacted with TAC and
informed me "There is an already Feature request for this situation:RFE
0519255 - Discovery | Perf Monitoring | Doc |JDBC SQL Monitoring - add
an additional column to pull for user a...
yes I had the credential and the remediation scripts worked before, and
I want to be added the notification rule didn't send the emails or run
the script now. so do you think is support issue?