For anyone coming here for an answer to this,the (simplest) correct way
to do this is to do the following - You do not need to add every single
IP to the wan interface, just one IP. IP: X.X.10.34 MASK: GW: X.X.10.33The remaining IP's ...
Hey danielsah,If you haven't found the solution to this already - The
FortiSSLVPNclient.exe program is provided in the FortiClientTools
package.You will need to download this separately from the Fortinet
support site. Cheers.
Just adding a thought here - You may need to create a VLAN interface
(VLANID 118) on Port 7 to configure the PTP WAN link on. Also - the
"LAN" Subnet IP's are publicly routable addresses, which is strange to
me. I would likely configure them as VIP's...