In case you also need to track source IPs from webapp, you do need to
add an XFF policy on FWB and on LB that track AND add source IP/Proxy
IP.Can you share FWB and LB configs?------------------------------Best
RegardsRafael LEHMANICSE INTL----------...
Ok Khalid.As I said previously, you just need to enable ""Client Real
IP" on the Server Policy.Did you try it?BR
Rafael------------------------------Best RegardsRafael LEHMANICSE
Server Policy is on FWB configuration (Reverse Proxy Mode). Backend
server must point their DFGW to the FWB. Can you share your network
diagram?------------------------------Best RegardsRafael LEHMANICSE
Hi Parick, We do not support HTML Form Based delegation. Please open a
Knock ticket so we can re-open NFR380101. Best Regards Rafael Lehmani
Consulting Systems Engineer,??Enhanced Technologies, INTL
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