Hello I have 2 Fortigate 80E connected over IpSec. Recently I've
upgraded their firmware to 7.0.0. After that I've got problems with SSH
connection over IPsec tunnel. I can connect to the FreeBsd server on
another side. But when I trying to start mc ...
Hello I would like to create a policy that consists of the white list
URLs and a rule that block all other URLs. So I started with creating a
WEB filter and added only one rule that block everything. Then I added
the filter into the policy. Unfortuna...
Hello I've decided to enable deep inspection and installed Forigate's
self-signed certificated on all PCs.Tomorrow I'm going to install
Fortigate as a main router.Hope everything will be fine. Thanks everyone
for your advices and help.
I figured out something weird. Fortigate blocks https web sites but not
all. For example it's successfully blocks https://itc.ua:
2020-02-14T09:35:04.355876+02:00 date=2020-02-14
time=09:35:03 devname="fortigate" devid="xxx" logid="03150...
Hi Dave Thank you for your answer. Dave Hall wrote:To fully block/allow
www.mcdonalds.com you may need to also include a URL filter for
assets.mcdonalds.co.uk. But why my filter *.* doesn't block all web
sites? I thought it must block every web site.
Thank you Johan for your reply.As I understood the DNS filter parse only
DNS requests. So when a user sends a request not to the WEB site name,
but it's IP address then DNS filter will not block it.Am I right?