Hello :) Is there any way to downgrade FMG root adom from 5.6 to 5.2 ?If
there no way, how can i put back a cluster in 5.2.X on FMG without
activating advaced adom or create a new adom ?How can i get the policies
and objects from 5.6 adom to 5.2 than...
hello, I found a solution :)Since i took a backup of the FMG before
upgrading the Adoms, all i had to do is restore the backup to downgrade
the Adoms Hope it will help you :)
Yes of course, this is the same Firmware, otherwise i will put the right
firmware and restore the backup,I need to downgrade the adom version,
since when i upgraded my FGT from 5.2.3 -> 5.2.5 -> ..until 5.6.3, i
upgraded also the FMG adom version to ...
If we have a backup of the FMG with Root adom in 5.2 version, by
restoring it could we get back the root adom in 5.2 ? is there any loss
of configuration, policy packages, objects, templates ?
Thank you for your response,Yes of course the "all adoms" is still
available,When i try to change the version to 5.2, the button is grayed
out (cf: capture) is there any way to do that ?Thank you in advance :)