Here how can you do it.1-After creating your VLANs (10,30,40,50) in
Cisco switch.2-turn the port which connect to FGT to Trunk and allow
VLANs 1,10,30,40,50 to pass.3-Create same VLANs (10,30,40,50) in the
port of FGT which connect to Cisco switch.4-...
if your windows server is running in VM and its network adapter is
bridged to physical adapter( getting ip address from your router DHCP
pool) and your FGT-VM is also having ip from the same DHCP. Here i think
the problem is, some ports are blocked b...
You can add VLANS sub-interfaces to the physical interfaces without any
problem, in fact they will not work because you have to add a policies
to be able to move traffic. 1- Create Vlans in your switch.2- Allow
vlans to move across the trunk port.3-C...